Why a wee God?

Because we fancy him far off in the cosmic distance. And because we prefer him to be like us. He takes on a form that is manageable, even malleable. Our imaginations aren't expanded, as God intended, by his mind-bending self-revelation in the Scriptures, particularly through his Son, Jesus the Messiah, whom he raised from the dead on Easter.

God is the ultimate reality. He is immanent in and beyond the universe, and yet transcendent at once. He who sustains matter and mind simply IS. The loving and all-powerful God will not be remade and defined in your own image. Be transformed as you renew your mind - breathe in His spirit and truth.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Daily Meditations

With help from A.W. Tozer

I praise you and worship you, O God! My day begins and ends acknowledging and submitting to you as my Almighty Creator, omnipotent Yahweh I AM THAT I AM, the God of the burning bush, the speaking God.

You are the ultimate reality, The God who is immanent in the universe, and in the quantum universe within each atom – who transcends the plane of matter and mind and simply IS, not limited to what I can conceive. You will not be remade and defined in my own image, and “your Word of Truth is not conformed to my experience.”

Your unseen world, Lord, “is present, not future. It parallels our familiar physical world, and the doors between the two worlds are open.” Heb. 12:22-24

I bow before you and ask that you continually bathe me in your forgiveness. For my sinful acts. For my willful omission

Give power, Lord, to break through the veil – the veil of “hyphenated sins of (my) spirit, things I am, not just things I do: Self-righteousness, self-pity, self-confidence, self-sufficiency, self-admiration, and self-love”. I confess this by your grace alone.

May I be receptive to your Holy Spirit, who makes your presence and kingship known always. By Thy Spirit, help my heart hunger for you alone. Do not allow “ignoble content (to) take the place of burning zeal.”

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